Stepping towards a more sustainable future. Sustainability is deeply rooted in our brand identity and at the same time presents us with major challenges that we want to tackle together. We want to provide you real insights, show what sustainability means to us and what goals we are working towards. In doing so we strive for more transparency in our communication.

100% of our shoes are produced in Europe. We choose our suppliers carefully and aim for longterm relationships. We visit our suppliers continuously and are in regular and close exchange with them. Producing in Europe results in shorter transport routes and makes it easier for us to visit suppliers regularly. Additionally the technology standards of our suppliers are very high and risks in terms of water pollution and chemical use are low due to very strict regulations.

We partner with family-owned factories. For us, sustainability starts with high quality and contemporary design to counteract the fast pace of the fashion industry. We are looking for partners who understand our brand philosophy and meet with our quality standards. We have therefore decided to prioritize the cooperation with family-owned companies.

Our leather. Within our supply chain we want to pay special attention that gradually more and more of our suppliers hold certifications to ensure a more sustainable and secure leather supply chain. We work with tanneries that consider strict environmental requirements for example on chemical, waste and water management.

Our laces. Most of our shoelaces are made using organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. At the same time, crop rotation must be observed so that different crops are grown alternately on the agricultural land. This improves soil fertility and increases the humus content so that the soil can absorb more CO2.
To ensure that our products contain organic cotton, we use established standards, for example from Textile Exchange, for internal assurance in our supply chain. This creates reliability from the raw materials to the yarn to the end product.

Our Packaging. Our packaging is made from 90% recycled cardboard, because every box deserves a second chance. The cardboard is FSC („Forest Stewardship Council“) certified, meaning we source materials that meet strict standards to protect forests, and the animals and people who depend on them.